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Screenshot of: another one of those things/*DancingSheep_

By: DancingSheep

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Mayan Prophecy 2012

I happens to found this website, talking about the Mayan Inca Aztec Eyptican Prophecy of 2012, being the last day of a galactic day. And after which entering a new stage of the repeated cycle. I think that this is somethinbg worth believing, as it is backed by scientitic concepts , together with certain crucial values. Everyone should read this.


To whom that believe this, please kindly show it to others. Dec 21,2012 might not be the end of time, if something is done by every individual's effort.

Monday, April 27, 2009

To my Beloved Turtle( Da gui)

Im writting this post to my dearest friend, even after your death i can still see u crawling around . There's many things that i regret not doin for u. I'll alway love u, and i'll alway remember what u remarkable terrapin u have been. I never thought i would love u so much.

I remember when i was applying the medicine on ur skin, u looked at me with faith, entrusting yourself to me. The truth in your eyes say u never leave. The sweet-fruity scent i smell the night, was you. The night when u passed away. I'll alway remember how u look like, how cute your face n smile was. I remember how u lay motionlessly on the floor, u didnt move at all, despite me shaking u to live. I'll alway remember how i hug when we were on the way to the cremation center, ur bofy was so soft. That made me feel terrible.

However, i still have to thank u for giving me the chance of being with u, for ur remaining few days. I even draw a tombstone to remember u. I brought u when I was pri.5 , 11 years old, on the date 25 july 2002. And u passed away on 25 april 2009. U r almost 7 years old my beloved. But its ok i'll buy a cake on every 25 of july to celebrate ur birthday, and i'll grief on every 25 of april. I'll alway be there for u, and i love u. U will be my one and only pet for my entire life.

Its actually good that u have passed away as well, for u wont have to suffer all the pain from ur injury, and u wont have to be a turtle again. Carrying that shell is tough for u my dear. Lastly, i realised all along u r my best friend, not anyone else. U nv forsake me only after death. I know u love me as well, u didnt wan me to abandon u at some ponds or reservoir, so u rather end ur life at home. I wasnt the one who wanted to abandon u, but my mom was the one who say u will find freedom in a natural environment. But i hope u understand , she was only trying to make u happy.

This is u, when u died. I regret not taking pictures of u when u r still alive, as i heard if u take picture of a turtle will cause it to die soon.

Da gui looking motionless. I am really very very very very very very very sad that u had left.

There u r, in the plastic bag, when we were in the car, on the way for cremation. May good fortune rule over u. May peace live in u. Rest well my beloved.

I got to left u alone on the table, this is the last time i'll ever see u. Im so sorry. They say we cant saty for long, i got to leave u. I WISH I CAN BE WITH U FOREVER MY DEAREST DA GUI.

Profile of da gui:
Name: Da gui
DOB: 25th july 2002
DOD: 25th april 2009
Gender: Female
Weight: 1.4kg
Length: 25cm( including head n tail)
Owner: Yong Hui Wen
Favourite song: Twinkle little star
Favourite food: Grapes

Thursday, March 12, 2009

some thoughts...

Im blogging this while im having some thoughts in mind. Prefer to write it here than tell it to a friend, i dunno why. (Its alright even if no one reads my blog. i wont feel sad.)
Just got to know myself better today.

HeRE my thoughts
- I realised i feel more inspired and comfortable when im alone. Totally soap in my thoughts when im alone. In my own world.

- I need a purpose to find life meaningful.

- I alway wanted to do voluntary work, but never ever execute any of these plans. But trust me , when i start earning more in a month , i'll do it.

- Another reason why i want to earn more its because money allows me to go to places i fancy. Places tt make me feel so natural.

- I like reading cos i like the feeling of being in another world. (Dont tell me im dramatic, i'll skin u.)

- I think history is interesting, newspaper is cool.

- I know i sound a bit random now. Maybe its because exams are over and im in a stoning mode.

- When i think of what wil happen in the future, its thrilling yet freaky.

- Am very thankfully that i found some true friends. Like may may.

- I love foods, imagine the smell of chilly crab .. the taste of sweet donut.. Sometimes, food make life great.

- I want to draw something and post it in my blog.

- I think my grammar and english sucks.

That's all i guess. My thoughts is considered little, as compared to most female. They say in a day female have 150 000 words going through their minds, whereas male have only 15 000 words going through their minds. That why female talk more.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Havent been sleeping for a 5-6 days, and i finally got some sleep. Shortly after my exams, i went to join my frens for his birthday ' chalet'. It was fun, enjoy myself there. Dun feel lk bloggin anymore.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Mint museum toys

Mint museum is the coolest museum. went with tsara, and here's the pictures.